Viaggi su Misura

Consulenze personalizzate per la tua prossima meta, scopri il viaggio perfetto per te!

Consulenze Viaggio

Offro consulenze personalizzate per pianificare viaggi indimenticabili in base alle tue esigenze.

Qui trovi anche le mie guide di viaggio.

Consigli per 4 giorni a Londra
A large audience is seated in an auditorium with a speaker on stage. The room is dimly lit, with screens on either side displaying text and graphics related to the topic of management and work. The atmosphere suggests a professional conference or seminar.
A large audience is seated in an auditorium with a speaker on stage. The room is dimly lit, with screens on either side displaying text and graphics related to the topic of management and work. The atmosphere suggests a professional conference or seminar.
Agrigento, la metafora del mondo
On the road, Lanzarote e Fuerteventura
A handwritten sign on a piece of cardboard is hung on a metal gate. The sign reads 'EVENT' with additional text underneath that is partially visible. It appears to be suspended using wires or strings attached to the gate.
A handwritten sign on a piece of cardboard is hung on a metal gate. The sign reads 'EVENT' with additional text underneath that is partially visible. It appears to be suspended using wires or strings attached to the gate.
A large sign with the word 'Agenda' is prominently displayed, illuminated with bright lights. The setting appears to be an indoor event or trade show, with numerous people gathered below the sign. The ceiling features industrial elements such as pipes and large lights.
A large sign with the word 'Agenda' is prominently displayed, illuminated with bright lights. The setting appears to be an indoor event or trade show, with numerous people gathered below the sign. The ceiling features industrial elements such as pipes and large lights.

Ho iniziato a viaggiare sin da piccolo con la passione che mi ha trasmesso mia mamma. Adesso sono qui per aiutarti a realizzare il tuo sogno. Contattami cliccando il tasto in giallo, successivamente ti invierò un form da compilare per le tue richieste e successivamente fisseremo una chiamata per definire il tutto.

Le mie guide

In arrivo:

  • Lisbona, mille colori

  • Parigi, la città dell'amore

  • Cammino di Santiago, il viaggio più bello del mondo

  • Bergamo, visitare la città dei mille nel weekend

  • Fishermen's trail, sulle orme dei pescatori atlantici

  • Creta, relax e cibo buono

  • Giordania, on the road mediorientale

  • Finlandia, alla scorta della Lapponia

  • The dream, il sogno della west coast americana